have just flown by....he grows and changes everyday and everyday its truly amazing (and i wont lie....also hard and frustrating at times). I was laid off at the end of june and since then i've been a stay at home mom. its always been my dream to be a stay at home mom, but wow, it sure is more work than i ever thought it would be. finding time for myself isnt very easy. but i love that little guy more than i ever thought i could love anything!
baby milestones: smiles at everything, giggles, laughs out loud, rolls from back to tummy and tummy to back, he loves standing, splashing, grabbing toys and putting them in his mouth, i put him down on his play mat with toys all around him and he moves 180 degrees and grabs and throws toys, has been eating oatmeal cereal for 3 weeks and is becoming a pro (now twice a day).
there is just so much to say....and i dont know what else to say!
jackjacks 4 month portraits
wedding fun |
bambinos love baffs |
first time he ate oatmeal |
first hike in the jackpack |
first big boy swing |
drinkin from a sippy cup with no help |
lunchtime nap wif daddy |
nikis booties |
scout lovin |
quack quack |
jump jump jump |
hike in santa cruz |
readin his favorite book |
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