since ive updated on life and life with baby jack. at his two month dr appointment, he was 20.5 inches and 10 pounds! he has almost doubled his birth weight in two months, that lil monster. he got his first round of shots and i cried my eyes out :( and he did too. soo soo sad.
i went back to work may 17th after a short 9 weeks. my job has no maternity leave compensation, so i had used up the 6 weeks i had accumulated in sick and vacation days and then took off another 3 weeks unpaid. i thought i would get to bank on paid family leave time, but when i was denied, i found out my employer doesnt pay into disability. big bummer. less time home on leave than i planned (12 weeks) but sooo glad jack came the day before i was supposed to start maternity leave (3 weeks early) so i didnt waste any of the precious full pay days i had banked.
enjoying my last day of maternity leave |
the first day back to work felt terrible. well, it was the leaving that felt terrible. i cried all the way there. i called bry crying. texted my sister and mom about how the baby was doing. i thought to myself, i cant believe i didnt cherish each moment i was on leave with him, even those crazy frustrating moments. but, i much enjoyed interacting with adults again, bragging about jack and labor and being a mother. it was nice to see familiar faces and spaces. it felt even better to know baby was home with my mom and sister in my house :) each day got easier and easier.
my first day back to work before grandma came |
a baby update on my second day of work |
its my forth week back at work. i work form home mondays, mom comes over and watches jack with emily tues, wed, and thurs. somedays she brings over my brothers in the afternoons. friday daddy stays home with baby (or rather, takes baby all over running daddy errands). in 2 weeks im getting laid off and im excited for the new beginnings. recently bry got a promotion and benefits for us, and thats a big relief, considering were about to loose my awesome ones.
friday excursion with daddy |
first time seeing the turtle, they are not friends. |
hmm, maybe |
visiting mommy at work |
watchin aunty em graduate |
the last three weekends we have been on the road. jack has been to covelo twice, san luis obispo for work and to andy and rosies wedding in sebastipol. hes an angel on the road, and its a good thing since daddy and i love traveling and driving!
nappin on grandpa jerry in covelo |
nappin in my first hotel room with daddy |
lovin the papasan at hotel #2 |
andy and rosies wedding |
my favorite photo |
seeing that baby in the mirror |
i cant believe in 2 days my bambino will be 3 months old! he looks more and more like a little (big) boy